
AEB Permitting Information
During the fall of 2012, the Aleutians East Borough launched a three-year process to develop a Resource Development Land Use Permitting System, with the help of grant funds from the Coastal Impact Assistance Program. The goal of the project is to develop responsible resource use or extraction opportunities that will create local jobs and revenue while protecting community values and the environment. Harvey Consulting, LLC and Solstice Alaska Inc. are assisting the Borough with this Project.
Effective January 1, 2015, Title 40 of the Aleutians East Borough Municipal Code requires Commercial Recreation Operators, Professional Researchers, Sand, Gravel and Rock Mining Operators, Mineral and Coal Exploration Activities and Small Mining Operations, and Offshore Seafood Processors and Direct Marketing Seafood Processors to obtain a land use permit within the Aleutians East Borough boundaries, excluding the municipal lands where AEB has delegated land use planning authority to an AEB municipality (see AEBC 40.01.020). Please note that the Oil & Gas and Large Mining Permits are currently in place and land use permits are required.
Permit Explanations & Applications
Permit Fee and Penalty Schedule
Commercial Recreation
Permit Application Fees
- New Permit: $50 per year
- Renewal: $50
- Amendment: $25 each
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $250
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $100
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $500
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $100 per day
Sand, Gravel, & Rock
Permit Application Fees
- New Permit: $100 for 5 years
- Renewal: $100
- Amendment: $50 each
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $100
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $500
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $100 per day
Permit Application Fees
- New Permit: $500 for 5 years ($0 for non-profit)
- Renewal: $500
- Amendment: $250 each ($0 for non-profit)
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $100
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $500
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $100 per day
Mineral & Coal Exploration & Small Mines
Permit Application Fees
- New Permit: $1,000 for 5 years
- Renewal: $1,000
- Amendment: $500
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $100
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $500
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $100 per day
Offshore & Direct Marketing Seafood Processing
Permit Application Fees
- New Permit: $200 per year
- Renewal: $200
- Amendment: $50 each
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $100
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $500
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $100 per day
- Intentional Violations or Omissions or Gross Negligence: $1,000 per day up to $100,000 or $100,000 (maximum)
Onshore Seafood Processing
Permit Application Fees
- New Permit: $1,000 for 5 years
- Renewal: $1,000
- Amendment: $50 each
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $100
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $500
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $50 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $100 per day
- Intentional Violations or Omissions or Gross Negligence: $1,000 per day up to $100,000 Or $100,000 (maximum)
Large Mining Operations
Application Fee
- Fee Fund: $25,000
- Minimum Balance: $12,500
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000 per day up to $10,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $250 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $500
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $1,000 per day up to $10,000
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $250 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $500 per day
- Intentional Violations or Omissions or Gross Negligence: $1,000 per day up to $100,000
Oil & Gas
Application Fee
- Fee Fund: $50,000
- Minimum Balance: $25,000
Penalty Fees
- Failure to Submit (2013-2014): $0
- Failure to Submit (after 1-1-15): $1,000 per day up to $20,000
- Failure to Submit Within 31 Days of Notification: $500 per day
- Self-Reported Violation within 7 days and Operator agrees to remedy: $1,000
- Notice of Violation issued by AEB: $1,000 per day up to $20,000
- Failure to Pay Penalty Within 31 Days of Notification: $500 per day
- Failure to Remedy Violation as Agreed: $1,000 per day
- Intentional Violations or Omissions or Gross Negligence: $1,000 per day up to $100,000 (maximum)