
Requirements for Offshore and Onshore Seafood Processing
Title 40 of the Aleutians East Borough Municipal Code (AEBMC) requires all Offshore Seafood Processors and Direct Marketing Seafood Processors to obtain a land use permit within the Aleutians East Borough, excluding the municipal lands where AEB has delegated land use planning authority to an AEB municipality.
An offshore seafood processor refers to a for-profit company that buys, processes, and/or exports a fishery resource using facilities located offshore. This includes floating processors that are anchored or docked at the shoreline. Direct marketing seafood processor refers to a for-profit or non-profit cooperative, partnership or individual fisherman who processes or exports only their own catch or has their own catch custom processed for sale.
Title 40 of the Aleutians East Borough Municipal Code requires onshore seafood processors to obtain a land use permit within the Aleutians East Borough, excluding the municipal lands where AEB has delegated land use planning authority to an AEB municipality.